Cheering To You,Welcome!

Hey everyone, I’m Tristan and welcome to my blog!  I’m so ecstatic that you’re on my blog, THANKS!  I’m 12 years old and I’m in Mr. Avery’s Sixth Grade Class.  Thanks to Mr. Avery, who gave me this amazing blog!  I’m so eager to write posts and comments on the blog for you guys to see.  I’m also part of an atheltic sport, CHEERLEADING!  Cheering is so much fun to do!  Can’t wait to be a Midget next year when I’m in 7th grade.   This is a brief summary of myself!

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7 thoughts on “Cheering To You,Welcome!

  1. Dear Tristan,
    Your blog is looking awesome so far, I love how enthusiastic you are! I can’t to see all your upcoming posts! Cheering sounds so fun, you must love it!
    Sincerly your blogging buddy,

  2. Dear Tristan,

    Three cheers for you! What a terrific title for a blog!

    Thanks for stopping by our class blog and leaving us a quality comment! That is the mark of an excellent blogger! I always tell my students…you have to give to get. If you want comments, you have to get out there and leave comments for other bloggers. 🙂

    I look forward to reading about you! Besides cheering, you might also do posts about other hobbies, interests, pets, or what you’re learning in school.

    Happy Blogging!

    Mrs. Y♥llis

    • Dear Mrs. Yollis,

      Thanks for visiting my blog. I have in mind a few blog posts similar from what you suggested. For example, my friend Natalie came up with
      1) Weekly Challenges
      2)Song of the Week
      3)Book (Series) of the week ETC.

      I also had some like a “Guess Who?” section where I would post facts about that person/character then the next week, in that week’s post, I would tell the answer. Anyway thanks for stopping by Mrs Yollis!

      Tristan B. 🙂

  3. Dear Tristan,
    I can’t believe you already have five visitors. I love your blog! I know you and that you love cheering. It does look fun. I would hate to be the flyer because they are so high up in the air I would be scared. It does look cool though. Can you go on my blog? I want to hear all about your weekend on my share section. Have a good rest of your day.

    Natalie S.

    • Dear Natalie,

      Thanks for stopping by, I will try my hardest to visit yours. Being a flyer in cheer doesn’t always mean going really “High,” that shows that you have a strong stunt group, so your stunt group is really responsible enough to catch you. Also at our age level you don’t always go so high, but you do go only at a decent height that you can be seen, if you have tall people on your team, but mostly high schoolers, and all star cheerleaders have that much power you you to go very high in the air.

      Tristan 🙂

  4. Dear Tristan,

    You have a fantastic blog!!!!! Congratulations, you deserve a blog. I love how your blog looks. isn’t it fun to have a blog well, you have a fantastic blog!!!

    Nick K.

  5. Dear Tristan,
    I LOVE your blog so far. I like it’s name. Did you name it or did Mr. Avery? Does it have to do with you cheerleading?

    Mike k.

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